Don't panic if you have stocks with good performance and prices don't rise. It will go up sooner or later. Just have tea and watch a play. Over and over again, you will get up before you know it.Growth enterprise market index:Today's hot spot is the ice and snow industry, and duty-free shops are all within the scope of big consumption. Internet finance is also a sector that broke out again today, and Guosheng Financial Holdings is really a bit fierce. On the contrary, the artificial intelligence that rose in the early stage, the robot plate is adjusting. This Wolong has been reminding everyone a few days ago, and short-term risks are coming. It will be fine for a long time.
The support level is around 2270.The strong pressure is around 3500;TV drama Lever, I saw the 26th episode today. When it comes to the banker's attack, the stock price plummeted and the retail investors suffered. This is the same thing as our real stock market. Nowadays, many stock floors or floors are actually contests between different dealers. Unknown retail investors will cut out their positions in the fluctuation of stock prices and contribute their own principal. So most people who play short-term are losing money. Either small positions can't make a few dollars, or big positions are put on. Played ten times, earned three times and lost seven times. Therefore, Wolong suggested that everyone should work with peace of mind and buy two long-term tickets and put them there as a deposit. After a long time, the income is good.
3. Investment is to make life happier and happier. If investment makes you unhappy at all, please leave this market immediately regardless of profit or loss!The strong pressure is around 3500;Re-offer on the same day: